Wednesday, August 13, 2008

My New Island Hut

My original island hut photo disappeared from Flickr, so I've chosen a new home. Ah, what a vista!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Myspace Glitter Graphics -

The Things got boggy in the middle, but here I am at the end and I MADE IT! This exercise really opened my eyes as to what the web has to offer. I'm surprised that I like blogging - I didn't think I would. I found a lot of good productivity tools and useful websites, care of Things 18 and 19. I love You Tube, and I'm going to download an audio book once I get my MP3 player. Ta ta for now and it's been fun!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Audio Check

Get a Net Library account. Check. Try some searches. Check. Note to self: Use this like Google Book Search for quotes and samples in books. Look at the audio books available on our website. Check. Anticipate downloading an audio book when I have my MP3 player. Check. Blog about said anticipation. Check. One more thing to go!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


I went looking for tropical podcasts to give my island a little ambiance. I had mixed results using the three search sites listed in the instructions, so I also searched for library podcasts. Yahoo Podcasts had the most listings and I thought their site was easy to use. I did the same searches on Podcast Alley and but was underwhelmed by the number returned and the selection. My best find was the TropiCast Radio Network: Offical Soundtrack of Your Tropical Dreams. Cool.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Tanagrian Wildlife

This is a glimpse of the rare dancing elephant native to our island, which was captured by stealthy videographers and posted on You Tube. You Tube is more than the narcissistic clips that I expected. I see the potential that anything ever captured on film or video could one day be online. It's a video library!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

A Tree Grows in Tanagra

The Web 2.0 Awards site was great! I found a tree widget at that should change with the seasons. Fall colors in paradise! I looked at Google docs, similar to Zoho Writer, and several of the others. I'll remember this site for patron referrals since I know all of the choices are award winners.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Zoho Cheeseburger

Cheeseburger in Paradise
Heaven on earth with an onion slice
Not too particular, not too precise
I'm just a cheeseburger in paradise...

Thanks to Jimmy Buffett for providing an unofficial theme song for Tanagra and a chance to practice with Zoho Writer. Easy to use and totally Internet based to boot!