Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Dead People Server

Much to my amazement, the Dead People Server has an rss feed! Who knew? Add this one to Bloglines and you, too, can be the first to ask everyone that riveting question: "Do you know who died?" Finding other interesting sites was trickier than expected. Technorati was the best search tool because it brought up my blog when I searched "tanagra". It also found four others. Two were in French, one was in Russian, and one said "so if you are reading this you are most likely some kind of twisted deviant." Hmmm...interesting.

1 comment:

w.addams said...

ah, a dead people server you say....most intriguing....I may need this link on my swarthy barnacle...prepare to be boarded...I be piratin' your'll soon be looted and plundered....